Saturday 27 September 2014

Uche Ogbodo Speaks Out on 1 Month Long Marriage and Their 1 Month Old Baby

Nollywood actress Uche Ogbodo spoke to Vanguard about why her 1 month long marriage ended. The actress just gave birth to their baby in the US and shares that her ex wasn’t present at all during her pregnancy, blames their breakup on societal influence and his lies.
Here’s an excerpt:
Have you left your husband for real?
The marriage didn’t work out.
Was it really a marriage?
It was a marriage but we didn’t do any wedding. We didn’t do any court marriage or church wedding. We did nothing. We didn’t even do traditional marriage but in my culture, there are many processes to getting married and I did a few of those, so you can say I was married. In Igbo land, there are rites you adhere to before you can say this is my wife and I did a couple of them.
Why did you do the rites in secret?
You cannot do rites openly; it’s just a family thing, family members only. It’s not a traditional wedding. If I had done traditional wedding, I would definitely invite people. If I had done a white wedding, I would have invited people. If I had done a court marriage, I would still have invited people but it was just rites. I didn’t do anything the public needed to know, so you can’t say I did any marriage in secret.
What really made you leave your husband?
My marriage was full of lies. I cannot tell you in detail what those lies were, if that’s what you’re trying to make me do but it was based on lies. It’s a pity it didn’t work out. I didn’t go into the marriage to crash it. I wanted a family; I wanted a loving home and a loving husband. That was why I went into it in the first place but as nature would have it, I didn’t get any of those. I still thank God my head is intact
Did he cheat on you? What exactly did he do?
No, it’s not about women. Like I always say, you cannot build a home on sinking sand. You need to build a home on a rock. What I mean is that a marriage built on deceit and lies is no marriage at all. If you want a solid marriage, it must be built on honesty and trustworthiness. If not, it’s definitely going to crash. If it doesn’t crash today, it will crash tomorrow, so the lies are my reasons.
When did you discover he was lying to you?
Well, it was good while it lasted; he was a good man to me. I felt all I saw was all I was supposed to see but later when one thing led to another and things started unfolding. I started finding out that everything was not what it seemed. Every relationship, you have problems in-between, there is no relationship that just goes on smoothly.
In the process of friendship and dating, we had issues that we resolved but when we took it to the next level we just couldn’t hold it together. There are things you can hide as friends but as married couple it is impossible because so many other things like families are involved.
As his girlfriend some things that were hidden were revealed when I became his wife. What happened between me and my husband is between me and my husband. We caused it, both of us caused it.
For how long were you guys together?
The marriage lasted barely a month before we started having issues. We were having issues before I found out I was pregnant.
Are you planning to raise your child as a single mother?
When I don’t have a husband, I’m raising her alone. I can’t throw my child away. It’s not her fault that the marriage didn’t work out, it’s not her fault that I got pregnant, it’s not her fault that we didn’t take our marriage seriously, so I’m going to raise her no matter what happens.
How old is she now?
She’s a month and two weeks now.
What attracted you to your husband before you married him?
I saw something in him that nobody had ever seen. I saw a man that was a good man inside his heart. It’s not like when you’re looking at him everything is perfect but I saw that deep down somewhere, there’s a good man. Without the influence of society, he would have been different. I blame it on society and I blame it on him. He allowed things to influence but he was born a good man and I thought I could bring that goodness out in him. I thought that I could change something and make it better. I tried but it didn’t work out.
Was it completely his fault that your marriage crashed?
It’s our fault. We shouldn’t have allowed our marriage to crash. I wouldn’t know my mistakes; he would tell you my mistakes. Maybe I was a little too much to handle, maybe that’s why but I wouldn’t know until he tells you his own side of the story.
Some people were saying you got into the marriage because of money?
I didn’t get into the marriage because of money in the first place. I got into the marriage because I wanted to be married and because I saw something in him that I felt would work out for me later in life. I didn’t go into it because of money; there were no millions to spend so it wasn’t about money. I don’t care what people say. What matters is the truth and I try to be very straightforward when I deal with people. So, it wasn’t about money because there was none
Others are saying you left him because of his brain tumor?
He doesn’t have brain tumor. He was sick at the time, he had issues but his sickness is not the reason why our marriage crashed. Money was not the issue either. I would definitely know about his health status before I would marry a man. I knew what I was going into, so how could I just leave a man because he had a brain tumor? It’s funny.
You said he didn’t have a brain tumor, what was really wrong with him?
I cannot tell you, he would tell you. He was sick, he was treated but it had nothing to do with the brain. He had surgery but it was not brain tumor, it was not cancer, he was just sick and I thank God that he’s alive. I don’t know why people just wake up and conclude things out of the blue; you don’t know these people from Adam, you just read about people and then you go and comment rubbish. You write rubbish to tear people’s lives apart even when you know nothing about their issues.
Is he still in hospital?
He’s not in hospital; he has never been in the hospital. I don’t know why that picture came up, that picture you saw online was taken like last year December
Was your husband with you when you were pregnant?
No, he wasn’t. We were having issues, we weren’t together. He didn’t see me pregnant for one day.
If you’re going to marry again, what would you do differently to make it work out?
I’m only going to keep praying to God to give me someone who wouldn’t lie to me, someone that would be plain, very plain to me.
Are you still planning to marry again?
I’ve left the door open. I’m not going to close the door of marriage because one marriage didn’t work. The door is wide open. When I find someone that I’m going to be happy with but I wouldn’t want another experience where my marriage crashes because once beaten twice shy. So I’m going to take my time now and dig deep.
Interview Source: Vanguard

Amber Rose’s Leaked Nud*s (Warning! Must Be 18 Or Older To View)

In honor of Amber Rose divorcing Wiz Khalifah here is a throwback post of when Amber Rose leaked her nudes.

ROONEY becomes 3rd highest BPL

ROONEY becomes 3rd highest Barclays premier league goal scorer as he puts MAN UTD 1-0 up v WEST HAM.

 1 - Shearer 260
 2 - Cole 187
 3 - Rooney 176
 4 - Henry 175
 5 - Lampard 172

CNPP Accuses NYSC Of Extortion, Urges Students To Protest The N4,000 Charge

The Chairman of the Conference of Nigerian Political Parties (CNPP) in Bayelsa State, Lucky Akpeli, today said the N4,000 charged prospective corps members by the authorities of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) to obtain call-up letters is "outright extortion."
NYSC Akpeli said the collection of money from hapless Nigerian graduates to serve their father land was uncalled for, and called on the NYSC to reverse the decision as it was unpopular and inimical to the well-being of the country. "Any Federal Government agency that collects N4,000 from Nigerian youth to serve their father land is unpatriotic," he said. "The Federal Government should as a matter of fact reverse the decision."
He said no agency of the Federal Government, including the NYSC, should take advantage of citizens, and said he would not be surprised if Nigerian students took to the streets to resist the decision.
"It is likely that Nigerian students will resist it," he furthered. "In fact, I am calling on Nigerian students to stand up against this kind of decision."

Cameroonian Military Capture Boko Haram’s Top Commander, Abakar Ali

Abakar Ali who also goes by name "Mustapher Umar" was caught with 5 machine guns, 14 rifles, 24 rockets, 4 rocket launchers, 6  Kalashnikovs, 60 Kalashnikovs magazines, 4 automatic pistols , over 500 9mm ammunition, 469 12.7mm ammunition, 4,454 7.62 mm ammunition, 1,491 5.56 mm ammunition, 822 ammunition of 7.62 mm, 6 grenades, 28 rocket launcher chargers and other weaponized accesories like pincers, tweezers and knives.
 A mid-level Nigerian military officer, who is serving with a multi-national force that operates around the Nigeria-Cameroon border, revealed the information to SaharaReporters via telephone. He disclosed that Cameroonian soldiers nabbed Mr. Ali along with two other Boko Haram fighters in Kousseri, a town in northern Cameroon.

Our source described Mr. Ali as the insurgent commander who has been leading the Islamist sect’s attacks around the border towns between Nigeria and Cameroon. He added that the arrested insurgent shuttled between various Boko Haram camps in the area and organized deadly attacks that targeted mostly civilians.

The Nigerian officer stated that the Cameroonian military was expected to share intelligence with their Nigerian counterparts regarding any confessions made by the captured terrorist during interrogation. He added that Nigerian security agencies are likely to learn more about Mr. Ali’s linkages with others in Boko Haram’s cells in Nigeria's northeast area.

Lagos State Government yesterday constituted a Coroner Inquest to unravel the cause of the incident that led to the collapsed building within the premises of the Synagogue Church of All Nations at Ikotun Egbe, Lagos and the several deaths that followed.
The state Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Ade Ipaye who constituted the Coroner court in line with the provisions of the Lagos State Coroner’s System Law No. 7 of 2007, noted it will investigate the cause and circumstances of deaths and bring his findings and recommendations to the appropriate authorities. The Coroner court is expected to commence sitting from next week at the premise of the Ikeja High Court.
The government of the  South Africa which lost several of her citizens  as well as Lagosians, have been mounting pressures on the government to constitute an inquiry into the cause of the incident, to establish a claim by the founder of the church, Prophet T. B. Joshua that the structure was a target of terrorism.
Section 15 of the Coroner Law  provides that a Coroner “shall hold an inquest whenever he is informed that the death of a deceased person lying within his Coroner District was as a result of a violent, unnatural or suspicious occurrence.”
In a statement by the Public Relation Officer of the Ministry of Justice, Mrs. Bola Akingbade, quoting the Attorney General, said, “In doing this, he (Coroner) has all the powers of a magistrate to summon and compel the attendance of witnesses, including medical examiners, and require them to give evidence, produce documents or present other relevant materials.”
Ipaye said further, “The Law requires the verdict of a Coroner as certified in writing to be forwarded to the State Attorney General and such verdict may form the basis of criminal prosecutions depending on the evidence collected.
“The Coroner in this case is Magistrate O. A. Komolafe, who also sat as Coroner in the Dana Air Crash case. He is expected to announce his sitting/visitation schedules and other details and to hold the inquest at the premises of the High Court of Lagos State, Oba Akinjobi Way, Ikeja.”  Ipaye noted.
Synagogue: We were never served  contravention notice — Church
The synagogue
Church of all Nations has refuted newspaper reports that it ignored contravention notice served on it by the Lagos State Building Control Agency ( LSBCA) over the collapse of one of the church’ s guest houses.
According to the church, it neither received a contravention notice nor was the building in question ever sealed off before the unfortunate incident, adding that at no time was any stop work notice or directive served on the church or pasted on the building prior to the September 12,2014 incident.
The church said the only form of communication with the LSBCA occurred days after the incident.
According to the church, “ the letters that were written to the church were written after the collapse in the following order:
A letter dated September 16, 2014 with Ref No. LASBCA/AL/PCA/DH/01 requesting for the submission of a development permit and approval of structures within the church complex, four days after the building collapsed. – a  Contravention notice dated September 17, 2014 Ref No. AL/LASBCA/DH/PCA/CN 06 alleging certain contraventions, five days after the building collapsed.  – another  Letter dated September 17, 2014 with Ref No. AL/LASBCA/DH/PCA/CN 06 requesting for non-destructive tests for structural stability, five days after the building collapsed”. The church further noted that no sealing or quit notice has been served as the building never called for such.
“In the above circumstances, we would like to believe that LSBCA had been quoted out of context with the motive of destroying the ongoing investigation into the case as well as casting doubt on the position of the church that the collapse was due to an attack”.
As Lagos begins identification of recovered bodies
To ensure proper forensic identification including DNA analysis of the bodies recovered from the site of the collapsed building inside the premises of the Synagogue of All Nations, SCOAN,  Lagos State Government yesterday commenced the identification of recovered bodies by calling on family members and all Nationals who believe their relations could have been trapped in the collapsed building to come forward and submit samples that can aid forensic identification and DNA analysis of the bodies.
Lagos State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Jide Idris who spoke in his office stated that the State government has considered it necessary to start forensic identification and DNA analysis of the recovered bodies in view of the need to identify each of them.
Idris further appealed to family members especially parents, children and siblings of Nationals who believe their relations could have been in the collapsed building to visit the Department of Forensic Medicine at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, LASUTH, Ikeja from yesterday, Friday 26th September, 2014 to submit samples.
The Commissioner explained that those eligible to give samples for the forensic identification and DNA analysis in order of preference include; parents, children and siblings of the deceased.
- See more at:
Lagos State Government yesterday constituted a Coroner Inquest to unravel the cause of the incident that led to the collapsed building within the premises of the Synagogue Church of All Nations at Ikotun Egbe, Lagos and the several deaths that followed.
The state Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Ade Ipaye who constituted the Coroner court in line with the provisions of the Lagos State Coroner’s System Law No. 7 of 2007, noted it will investigate the cause and circumstances of deaths and bring his findings and recommendations to the appropriate authorities. The Coroner court is expected to commence sitting from next week at the premise of the Ikeja High Court.
The government of the  South Africa which lost several of her citizens  as well as Lagosians, have been mounting pressures on the government to constitute an inquiry into the cause of the incident, to establish a claim by the founder of the church, Prophet T. B. Joshua that the structure was a target of terrorism.
Section 15 of the Coroner Law  provides that a Coroner “shall hold an inquest whenever he is informed that the death of a deceased person lying within his Coroner District was as a result of a violent, unnatural or suspicious occurrence.”
In a statement by the Public Relation Officer of the Ministry of Justice, Mrs. Bola Akingbade, quoting the Attorney General, said, “In doing this, he (Coroner) has all the powers of a magistrate to summon and compel the attendance of witnesses, including medical examiners, and require them to give evidence, produce documents or present other relevant materials.”
Ipaye said further, “The Law requires the verdict of a Coroner as certified in writing to be forwarded to the State Attorney General and such verdict may form the basis of criminal prosecutions depending on the evidence collected.
“The Coroner in this case is Magistrate O. A. Komolafe, who also sat as Coroner in the Dana Air Crash case. He is expected to announce his sitting/visitation schedules and other details and to hold the inquest at the premises of the High Court of Lagos State, Oba Akinjobi Way, Ikeja.”  Ipaye noted.
Synagogue: We were never served  contravention notice — Church
The synagogue
Church of all Nations has refuted newspaper reports that it ignored contravention notice served on it by the Lagos State Building Control Agency ( LSBCA) over the collapse of one of the church’ s guest houses.
According to the church, it neither received a contravention notice nor was the building in question ever sealed off before the unfortunate incident, adding that at no time was any stop work notice or directive served on the church or pasted on the building prior to the September 12,2014 incident.
The church said the only form of communication with the LSBCA occurred days after the incident.
According to the church, “ the letters that were written to the church were written after the collapse in the following order:
A letter dated September 16, 2014 with Ref No. LASBCA/AL/PCA/DH/01 requesting for the submission of a development permit and approval of structures within the church complex, four days after the building collapsed. – a  Contravention notice dated September 17, 2014 Ref No. AL/LASBCA/DH/PCA/CN 06 alleging certain contraventions, five days after the building collapsed.  – another  Letter dated September 17, 2014 with Ref No. AL/LASBCA/DH/PCA/CN 06 requesting for non-destructive tests for structural stability, five days after the building collapsed”. The church further noted that no sealing or quit notice has been served as the building never called for such.
“In the above circumstances, we would like to believe that LSBCA had been quoted out of context with the motive of destroying the ongoing investigation into the case as well as casting doubt on the position of the church that the collapse was due to an attack”.
As Lagos begins identification of recovered bodies
To ensure proper forensic identification including DNA analysis of the bodies recovered from the site of the collapsed building inside the premises of the Synagogue of All Nations, SCOAN,  Lagos State Government yesterday commenced the identification of recovered bodies by calling on family members and all Nationals who believe their relations could have been trapped in the collapsed building to come forward and submit samples that can aid forensic identification and DNA analysis of the bodies.
Lagos State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Jide Idris who spoke in his office stated that the State government has considered it necessary to start forensic identification and DNA analysis of the recovered bodies in view of the need to identify each of them.
Idris further appealed to family members especially parents, children and siblings of Nationals who believe their relations could have been in the collapsed building to visit the Department of Forensic Medicine at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, LASUTH, Ikeja from yesterday, Friday 26th September, 2014 to submit samples.
The Commissioner explained that those eligible to give samples for the forensic identification and DNA analysis in order of preference include; parents, children and siblings of the deceased.
- See more at:
Lagos State Government yesterday constituted a Coroner Inquest to unravel the cause of the incident that led to the collapsed building within the premises of the Synagogue Church of All Nations at Ikotun Egbe, Lagos and the several deaths that followed.
The state Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Ade Ipaye who constituted the Coroner court in line with the provisions of the Lagos State Coroner’s System Law No. 7 of 2007, noted it will investigate the cause and circumstances of deaths and bring his findings and recommendations to the appropriate authorities. The Coroner court is expected to commence sitting from next week at the premise of the Ikeja High Court.
The government of the  South Africa which lost several of her citizens  as well as Lagosians, have been mounting pressures on the government to constitute an inquiry into the cause of the incident, to establish a claim by the founder of the church, Prophet T. B. Joshua that the structure was a target of terrorism.
Section 15 of the Coroner Law  provides that a Coroner “shall hold an inquest whenever he is informed that the death of a deceased person lying within his Coroner District was as a result of a violent, unnatural or suspicious occurrence.”
In a statement by the Public Relation Officer of the Ministry of Justice, Mrs. Bola Akingbade, quoting the Attorney General, said, “In doing this, he (Coroner) has all the powers of a magistrate to summon and compel the attendance of witnesses, including medical examiners, and require them to give evidence, produce documents or present other relevant materials.”
Ipaye said further, “The Law requires the verdict of a Coroner as certified in writing to be forwarded to the State Attorney General and such verdict may form the basis of criminal prosecutions depending on the evidence collected.
“The Coroner in this case is Magistrate O. A. Komolafe, who also sat as Coroner in the Dana Air Crash case. He is expected to announce his sitting/visitation schedules and other details and to hold the inquest at the premises of the High Court of Lagos State, Oba Akinjobi Way, Ikeja.”  Ipaye noted.
Synagogue: We were never served  contravention notice — Church
The synagogue
Church of all Nations has refuted newspaper reports that it ignored contravention notice served on it by the Lagos State Building Control Agency ( LSBCA) over the collapse of one of the church’ s guest houses.
According to the church, it neither received a contravention notice nor was the building in question ever sealed off before the unfortunate incident, adding that at no time was any stop work notice or directive served on the church or pasted on the building prior to the September 12,2014 incident.
The church said the only form of communication with the LSBCA occurred days after the incident.
According to the church, “ the letters that were written to the church were written after the collapse in the following order:
A letter dated September 16, 2014 with Ref No. LASBCA/AL/PCA/DH/01 requesting for the submission of a development permit and approval of structures within the church complex, four days after the building collapsed. – a  Contravention notice dated September 17, 2014 Ref No. AL/LASBCA/DH/PCA/CN 06 alleging certain contraventions, five days after the building collapsed.  – another  Letter dated September 17, 2014 with Ref No. AL/LASBCA/DH/PCA/CN 06 requesting for non-destructive tests for structural stability, five days after the building collapsed”. The church further noted that no sealing or quit notice has been served as the building never called for such.
“In the above circumstances, we would like to believe that LSBCA had been quoted out of context with the motive of destroying the ongoing investigation into the case as well as casting doubt on the position of the church that the collapse was due to an attack”.
As Lagos begins identification of recovered bodies
To ensure proper forensic identification including DNA analysis of the bodies recovered from the site of the collapsed building inside the premises of the Synagogue of All Nations, SCOAN,  Lagos State Government yesterday commenced the identification of recovered bodies by calling on family members and all Nationals who believe their relations could have been trapped in the collapsed building to come forward and submit samples that can aid forensic identification and DNA analysis of the bodies.
Lagos State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Jide Idris who spoke in his office stated that the State government has considered it necessary to start forensic identification and DNA analysis of the recovered bodies in view of the need to identify each of them.
Idris further appealed to family members especially parents, children and siblings of Nationals who believe their relations could have been in the collapsed building to visit the Department of Forensic Medicine at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, LASUTH, Ikeja from yesterday, Friday 26th September, 2014 to submit samples.
The Commissioner explained that those eligible to give samples for the forensic identification and DNA analysis in order of preference include; parents, children and siblings of the deceased.
- See more at:

9ice says he plans to quit music for politics

In an interview with Sun News, 9ice says he plans to quit music to concentrate fully on politics because he can't be singing at 35. He can't? What he said below...

Yes, I want to leave music for politics. Next year January, I will be 35-years-old and I’m not praying to still be in music at that age. I am serious about politics now. If you listen to my music, you would notice that politics has been part of me; it’s in my blood. When I started initially, I talked about being your brother’s keeper, and that’s why I studied Law at Lagos State University before I dropped out to concentrate on my music career. I hate when things go wrong. When two or three people are having issues, I love to get there to settle their differences. I have passion for politics and it has always been in my blood."
If you go fully into politics, most of your friends and fans will miss you?
I will say they will love me more by the time they see the plans that I have for them. I have so many plans on my mind. Imagine if the late Fela Anikulapo-Kuti was a politician, he will not just criticize the mistakes of our leaders but also correct them. Imagine if Wole Soyinka was to be the president of this nation, people like him are only preaching the truth and criticising the government but they are not ready to get into politics to make corrections. I am tired of preaching, I want to contribute my own quota for the sake of my people. We have graduates riding commercial motorcycles (okada), selling meat etc, their certificates are not being used but they are shouting that the government is not doing well. There can’t be any change if the youths don’t stand-up now to do something to help the country.

Tuesday 18 March 2014


Tobacco Control Nigeria; a public health and policy change campaign project using Social Media to advance tobacco control and support the passage of a comprehensive Tobacco Control (TC) law have launched a radio campaign, #TCRadio.
#TCRadio is a programme to sensitize the populace on the dangers of smoking and the need to support the TobaccoCtrl campaign and is on the following radio stations: Nigeria Info, Wazobia FM, Beat FM, Inspiration FM and HOT FM (Abuja).
To participate in the #TCRadio campaign, Text (TC Name Email Location Message) to 39405. E.g  (TC Peter Paul, Lagos I want to be part of the TC Radio Campaign). To 39405
A coalition of civil groups; Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC), Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth Nigeria (ERA/FoEN) and the Nigeria Tobacco Control Alliance (NTCA), who are collectively advocating for the speedy re-passage of the National Tobacco Control Bill (NTCB) by the National Assembly, have sent a letter to His Excellency, President Goodluck Jonathan, to intervene and give the needed push, for the bill to become law.
In the letter, the coalition decried the snail speed at which the bill is moving at the National Assembly. They further urged the President that since Nigeria is a signatory to the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO-FCTC) in 2004 and 2005, respectively; and stated that “it will be a high point of his tenure if this bill is eventually made law.”
The letter stated that the importance of this bill cannot be over-emphasized, as it will go a long way in ensuring a healthy society and protecting generations unborn.

Champions League: Don’t Expect Friendly Match From Me, Drogba Tells Chelsea

Barely 12 hours before the kick off of the Champions League last-16 clash between Chelsea and Galatasaray at Stamford Bridge, former Chelsea striker, Didier Drogba, who now plays for the Turkish side, has warned Chelsea fans not to expect a friendly match from him.
 * Drogba telling Chelsea fans to watch out for him
Drogba will be loudly cheered by Chelsea and Galatasaray fans for his Stamford Bridge homecoming considering he scored 157 goals in an eight-year playing career at Chelsea.
In a press conference held this morning ahead of the match, the Ivorian striker gave an early indication that he is feeling torn ahead of the match when he said: “Yeah, it’s going to be tough… I’m really happy to come back and to see some familiar faces, and, yes, it’s good.
“It’s very difficult to play against Chelsea, but it’s not going to be difficult for me to put myself into the competition because now I belong to Galatasaray,” Drogba said.
“I need to be professional. Of course, there will be emotions. Of course. Like the first leg when I saw my ex-team-mates and the Chelsea fans at the stadium. It was special. But then there was the game and the game, as you saw, was tough. I think it’s going to be the same here.”
Walking a diplomatic tightrope between being respectful to Chelsea but not wishing to offend the Galatasaray supporters, Drogba was clearly uncomfortable with being asked if he will celebrate a goal at Stamford Bridge. He initially tried to get away with a “Let’s see if it happens”.
When pushed for a better answer, he said: “With all the respect I have for this club, for the fans and the players, I might not celebrate. But if we win I will be happy. That’s OK?”

Sanusi Lamido: My Enemy, My Friend, My Hero and My Whistle-blower

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, the suspended and victimized Nigeria’s apex bank chief is already my man of the year for 2013- he has oscillated from my enemy to my friend, my whistle-blower and my hero. In Nigeria where religious and tribal sentiments have beclouded our reasoning that we do not see anything good in someone from another tribe, religion, political party or ideological leaning, it is not surprising to close associates that I have failed to crucify Sanusi the manner the $20 billion dollar oil thieves and their ethnically and religiously brainwashed followers wanted.
Sanusi represents many things in Nigeria. In an earlier piece “Presidential Victimization of Sanusi and the treasonable theft of $20 billion dollars’, I posited that “To many persons, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi represents many things-To majority of Christians in Nigeria, he is a religious fundamentalist who wanted to impose Islamic Banking on the nation. To some Churches, he is the villain who ordered the freezing of the accounts on accounts of terrorism. To some indigenes of Southern parts of Nigeria, he is a suspected Boko Haram sponsor. To the Kano Citizens, he is the Best successor to the throne of the Emirship of Kano. To International investors, he restored confidence in the Nigerian economy. To stock brokers, he maintained stability in the stock exchange market. To business men, he controlled inflation and brought it to all time low in many years. To corrupt bankers, he is the demon who is worse than the EFCC, seeking to retrieve money that is not his father’s .To PDP politicians; he is the Lucifer who wants to stop the accumulation of funds to prosecute the 2015 presidential elections. To financially aware depositors, he is the champion who ensured that every fund they deposited in any bank in Nigeria is always available on demand even at huge cost to national treasury”.
Sanusi is my enemy because he donated CBN money to the tune of N100 million naira to victims of Boko Haram in Kano  while abandoning that of other states especially from South East of Nigeria- he could have extended same to others.
Sanusi is my enemy because while he was proposing his Islamic Bank (which I am not against), he should have given force to our proposals for a Christian Bank.
Sanusi is my enemy because during his tenure as CBN chief, he reserved most plum jobs for his tribesmen to the detriment of other equally competent persons from the rest of the country.
Sanusi is my enemy because he mischievously blocked bank accounts of many churches in Nigeria whilst seeking for sponsors of Boko Haram.
Sanusi is however my friend because he dealt with monarchical bank chiefs who bled the Nigerian economy with sharp practices, enriching their pockets at the expense of genuine business credit administration.
Sanusi is my friend because he frowned at the huge cost of maintaining government establishments especially the National Assembly while  leaving little for capital development.
Sanusi is my friend because he maintained the stability of the naira especially at the time thieving government officials at the federal and state levels are illegally transferring over $25 billion dollars annually at great cost to capital retention in the economy.
Sanusi is my friend because he used federal reserves to shore up bank reserves of distressed banks, thereby giving Nigerian depositors ultra-caste protection and restoring confidence in the banking system.
Sanusi is my friend because while hiding the identity of certain religious leaders, he attacked their acts of aiding and abetting corrupt practices among the banking communities in Nigeria.
Sanusi is my hero because led or (misled) the international community to believe that poverty is largely responsible for militancy in the north-thereby effectively drawing international sympathy to his northern brothers- something our Igbo politicians are too timid to do.
Sanusi is my hero because he exposed the level of rot among the governors of South South region who stole their states blind and enriched banks and businesses in the US and Europe- while leaving their people in poverty.
Sanusi is my whistle blower because he refused to be bribed, settled or intimidated into stomaching a monumental corruption that can cause $ 20 billion dollars (N3.6 trillion naira) to disappear in just eighteen months under his constitutional oversight. He sided with the Nigerian people instead of the looters.
I have said it at different public forums that an Igbo man who used his influence to attract $ 1 billion dollars of national cake to develop the South East is far better than one who stole $ 10 billion dollars and reserved it for his family in a foreign bank. Sanusi’s intervention fund favored the north more than the south. He is better than other government officials who embezzled hundreds of billions for the benefits of their family while abandoning the rest of the north in poverty.
Sansusi in my view is not as bad as people tried to portray him. He has a rare courage lacking in most establishment critics.  He understands the level of poverty of his people and knew what to do to help them, hence his Islamic Bank. However, the manner the bank was presented to the public was very offensive and attracted enemies. Sanusi was looking for sponsors of Boko Haram and asked banks to blocked accounts of some churches till they meet certain suspicious guidelines. I found that act irritating, thus when my fellow senior Christian clerics ordered me to rescue the situation, I carefully released a report on the issue causing the apex bank to refreeze churches accounts within 24 hours.
Were Sanusi to be Igbo, with his abrasive adamancy, the entire world would have known that some blood thirsty Nigerians murdered 2 million Igbos unjustly, and probably the international community would have forced the Nigerian State to pay reparations in trillions of naira. Were he to be Igbo, probably a new Niger Bridge, Onitsha Sea Port and Umuahia International Airport would wither have been built or nearing completion stages.
 Sanusi occasionally exhibits official recklessness, which in itself could be irritating. However, his official recklessness equally saved the banking industry, stabilized the naira, reduced inflation and exposed monumental corruption. Let us see Sanusi through lens devoid of tribal sentiments or religious animosity and many could agree that Sanusi could be an enemy, a friend, a hero and a whistle blower all rolled into one.

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